2009 Street Project Action
At the March 3rd meeting the City Council voted unanimously to award the 2009 Street Project bid to Hjerpe Construction for the concrete option in the amount of $1,158,295. This amount was 15% below the engineer's estimate, which will result in lower assessments to property owners and less debt financing. The City also received good news from the Minnesota Department of Transportation (MN DOT) that funding for the bridge over Perkin's Creek on 4th Avenue will be funded by State bridge monies. Both of these projects will be underway this construction season.
March 17 City Council Meeting
Several maintenance and improvement items are on the agenda (http://www.windom-mn.com/) for discussion. These include the annual street maintenance program for crack-filling and seal-coating, re-construction of a taxiway at the airport and pavement maintenance at the airport.
Federal Economic Stimulus - Potential Windom Projects
The City Council will also be discussing two possible federal stimulus projects. One of the projects would provide for the total reconstruction of Windom's Municipal Airport runway. The runway has been classified by the MN DOT and FAA officials as in poor\fair condition so Windom would rank highly in competition for federal stimulus funds. If these funds are awarded approximately $1,275,000 in federal funds cover 100% of the runway reconstruction project costs. The second federal economic stimulus project involves the expansion of broadband\telecommunications service for rural communities in SW Minnesota. While these two projects are moving along we are still working with our federal and state legislators to determine if other programs or funding are available for large capital projects like a new fire hall or development of the North Windom Industrial Park.
Upcoming City Council Meeting Schedule
Regular Meetings on April 7th & 21st and May 5th at 7:30 p.m.
Special Meeting on May 11, 2009 at 4:30 p.m. --- Board of Review
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