Friday, June 19, 2009

Congratulations on Riverfest 2009
Thank you to the Windom Chamber of Commerce, the Riverfest Co-chairs and all of the Riverfest volunteers and participants. I greatly appreciate all of the work that goes into the planning, organization and operation of all of the Riverfest events.

Local Government Aid (LGA) - 2009 and 2010 Unallotments
On June 16th the Governor announced the anticipated cuts to LGA. Windom will lose $94,753 for 2009 and $218,631 in 2010. The City Council had proactively planned and budgeted for the 2009 cut; however, this also resulted in the loss or reduction of some city services. The 2010 budget will be much more difficult as the level of LGA cuts increase. The City continues to seek suggestions from citizens about ways to save the City money via As the City Council starts the 2010 budgeting process there will be additional opportunities for the public to participate in these discussions.

June 16 City Council Re-cap
In addition to two temporary street closures for community events there were three licence applications approved and a variance application for 968 6th Street.

The City's 2008 Audit was presented by Dennis Rick, LTD. The highlights of the audit included the recommendation from the auditor that the City continue to take a strong financial position in maintaining the General Fund balances as this helps to protect the City against unforseen or emergency expenditures and allows the City retain a good credit rating, which results in lower interest costs. The 2008 unallotment of LGA cost the City of Windom $110,120 or about 5% of its General Fund balance. The City's Enterprise Funds (Liquor, Water, Sewer, Electric and Telecom) were in good financial condition and profitable, with the exception of Telecom. Telecom showed a loss for 2008 of about $233,000; however, this was a significant improvement over 2007. Mr. Rick said that overall the City's finances have been improving over the past couple of years and he congratulated the City Council, Department Heads and Administration for their efforts.

Windom Airport Improvement Project
On June 16th the City Council approved the Authorization needed for the federal entitlement funds that are a companion piece to the federal stimulus funding we received for the runway project. The project is scheduled to start on July 13. Overall, nearly $1.6 million in federal funds are being leveraged by about $20,000 in City funds.

2009 Street Project Update
The weather this last week has slowed down the work on this project. They crews are still on schedule and paving will continue next week on 4th Avenue from Abby Park to the Perkin's Creek Bridge. During the next two weeks work on Langley Street will continue with underground utilities and road construction.

Friday, June 5, 2009

June 2 City Council Re-cap
Mike Haugen, Water\Wastewater Superintendent, addressed the City Council regarding the annual Consumer Confidence Report for the municipal water system. A copy of this report was distributed to all customers in this last month's utility bill. The City's system passed the State testing; however, the level of copper was slightly elevated over the State's threshold. As such, re-testing will occur. Mike also informed the City Council and citizens that the City is not imposing a watering restriction at this time, but should it be necessary one may be implemented later this summer.

Al Baloun, Recreation Director, reported that City Recreation Programs will be starting on June 10th and he encouraged the public to be aware of children and bicycles.

The City Council also approved moving forward with the airport reconstruction project that is funded by federal entitlement funds and federal stimulus funds. The City Council selected a concrete surface based on considerations for lower future maintenance costs.

2009 Street Project Update
Curb and gutter have been completed north of the Perkins Creek bridge to Hwy 71. Paving of the street surface also started this week. During the pouring and curing of the surface the road will be closed for about one week. Overall, the project continues to move along well and on schedule.

Windom Pool Opening - June 10th
The Windom pool is scheduled to open on June 10th. Work this year included the installation of new drain covers that were mandated by the State and Federal government for all public pools. Daily admissions are payable at the Windom Pool and swim passes are available at City Hall.

Local Government Aid (LGA) and the State Budget Deficit
The news out of St. Paul continues to be bad for Minnesota cities. With a large $4.6 billion deficit the Governor will soon be making cuts to State spending. One of the areas that is likely to see a large cut is Local Government Aid. These funds are intended to provide aid to cities in the provision of services to its citizens and help insure adequate, comparable services in all cities. Windom should be receiving about $1.3 million in LGA, which is about 50% of our General Fund budget. Due to the anticipated cuts this aid could fall by $144,000 to $301,000 in 2009-2010. A cut of this size will significantly impact the City services and it will be important for the public to participate in the upcoming 2010 budget meetings to share their ideas.

Riverfest is next weekend. This is an opportunity to show off our community and celebrate together. I encourage everyone to participate in the festivities and enjoy the parade and other entertainment.

Have a great weekend.